i was once again ranting about the ridiculous obsessions of emo teenage children with myspace. this so-called friend then asked why I enjoyed the world of blogging and after giving them a variety of reasons, they proceeded to confront me with the most abusive statement i have ever heard.
"but blogging is just the same as having a myspace."
no, it is not.
here are some reasons, it is a scientific fact:
1) The average age and IQ of a myspacer are generally equal. a blogger's IQ usually goes by the formulae "IQ = 135 + Months on Blogger"
2) A blogger does not write a list of, on average, 495 interests in the hope that their soulmate will track them down by incredibly matching up to 83% of them. some of the things people are "interested" in include: movies, music, talking with friends. really narrows it down.
3) Bloggers do not have bands as friends.
I then continued to surf the net, and came across some studies which in my mind, clarified the situation.