In what turned into a full-scale argument involving the throwing of homous, we finally called the matter a stalemate.My conclusion was that it is to hard to determine whether the someone's academic ability is more influenced by their natural capability at birth or the skills the develop throughout their education etc. The following points came up:
Natural Intelligence:

- The basic fact that some people just understand things better and are quicker to comprehend and process information. Is it genetic?
- Apparently intelligence is correlated with head size - big heads are a thing of beauty.
- MP is walking testament to the fact that the concept of 'i do no work and beat people' works.
- Academic success relies heavily upon confidence. Someone who is on top of their work will obviously be able to progress and focus their attention on understanding new work, while a struggler will be more overwhelmed by new information.
- Studies show that IQ is affected by school attendance - adds weight to the claims that education is the primary foundation for a human's level of intelligence.
- The fact that George Bush is president leads me to believe that natural intelligence does not exist, at least not in America.
Keep nominations rolling in for the Fantasy Socceroos...
46 days till we get to see the Aussies flatten Brazil. And Japan. And Croatia.
1 comment:
iq is made up of 3 things:
- fluid intelligence (ability to reason, basically the fastness of your brain)
- chrysallized intelligence (the things you have learnt eg vocabulary)
- working memory (the ability for your brain to be doing lot of things at once, eg doing 678x8755 in your head)
these things are all tesed in basic iq tests... oh, and if you have a bigger brain, you are not neccesarily smarter, if you have a bigger surface area (of your brain) then you are. it seems like the same thing, i know, but it isn't!! take my word for it!! so if your brain had a normal mass but it was completely flat, you would be a freaken genius!! *goes outside to flatten brain* it's been real. work out who i am matthew. actually, you'll never read this 'cause it's really old topic... x
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